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5 Essential Open Software Optical Design Tools

By  •  about 5 months ago

Optical design is an intricate process. High-performance optical systems often require various precision optical components, including advanced thin films and custom optical solutions. Modeling and simulation software are crucial to this integration process. They play an important part in modern o…

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Custom high-precision optics from LightMachinery

By  •  about 6 months ago

At LightMachinery, we are deeply invested in the art and science of creating custom high-precision optics. Our journey in this field is marked by a commitment to understanding and defining the specific parameters essential to each optical component's functionality. Here, we delve into the nuances …

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Shipping our first red-shifted HN-9332-UHR spectrometer

By  •  about 2 years ago

LightMachinery recently shipped a new model from our line of etalon-based cross-dispersion spectrometers, the HN-9332-UHR-RS. This spectrometer delivers very high resolution and excellent wavelength accuracy over a wide wavelength range.  The spectrometer has a small form factor and does not requi…

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